Geisinger Pediatric Dental Screening Services
Geisinger Pediatric Dental Screening Services
For Students in Grades K, 3, & 7 (Grades of PA mandated dental exams) who DO NOT have an established dentist:
28 PA Code (regulations) 23.3(a)* states "Dental examinations shall be required on original entry into school and in grades three and seven." The dental examination provides baseline data for determining the dental health status of the pupil population served. Parents/guardians are encouraged to have their family dentist perform the examinations and report the results of the examination on approved forms provided by the school and return to the school to be included in the comprehensive school health record. Examinations done by the family dentist within four months (up to one year with a Department of Health approved modification) prior to the opening of school are accepted for the required examination that year.
Services a child can receive:
1. Dental screening
2. Risk assessment
3. Fluoride varnish treatment (with consent)
4. Toothbrush cleaning (with consent)
Geisinger dentist and hygienists will be available to screen children for possible dental issues.
The screening is a brief visual exam, not a full dental exam, and the results aren’t a diagnosis. If a parent
or legal guardian consents, we can also provide a fluoride varnish treatment and toothbrush cleaning.
If we find any issues, we’ll share them in a sealed envelope that’s sent home with your child. We’ll also
provide you with some oral health resources. There’s no charge to participate.